Bibliography of the Genesee Region, 1790 to 1990: Results

Entry Number Author Title
1950 History and Commerce of Central New York. With Illustrated Supplement of the Columbian World's Fair at Chicago.
1945 Community Spotlight: Knowing Geneva.
1953 BEACH, B.F. "Early Merchants of Seneca Falls."
1954 BOLTON, ARMAND S. Historiette of Pump & Fire Apparatus Manufacturers of Seneca Falls, New York.
1944 CAPLISE, J. FRANK. Canandaigua: Its Advantages, Growth and Beauty.
1955 CARLS, J. NORMAN, and WALTER W. RISTOW. "The Industrial Geography of Seneca Falls, New York."
1956 CHAMBERLAIN, HARRISON. "Early Taverns of Seneca Falls."
1957 CHAMBERLAIN, HARRISON. "Early Flouring Mills."
1958 CHAMBERLAIN, HARRISON. "Early Industries."
1959 CHAMBERLAIN, HARRISON. "Banking Houses of Seneca Falls."
1960 CHAMBERLAIN, HARRISON. "Early Barrel and Boat Manufacturing."
1946 CONGDON, CHARLES H., ed. Geneva, New York, the Lakeside City: Its lndustrial, Social, Educational and Residential Advantages.
1961 COWING, JANET McKAY. "Early Milliners of Seneca Falls."
1952 EARBEN, ARNOLD H. Cowing & Co., Great Fire Engine and Pump Works, Seneca. Falls, N.Y. 1840-1875. A Story of Their Fire Engines.
1947 GENEVA NATIONAL BANK. Centennial Anniversary of Geneva National Bank.
1948 GENEVA NATIONAL BANK. The National Bank of Geneva: Being an Account of the Bank & the Community It Has Served for a Century & a Quarter, 1817-1942.
1949 HAYES, GEORGE M. History of Banking in Canandaigua from 1813 to 1951.
1962 KING, WILLIAM T. History of the American Steam Fire-Engine.
1963 KLINE, SAMUEL. "Saw Mills of Seneca Falls."
1964 SANFORD, Mrs. L.R. "Early Industries."
1951 TAYLOR, FRANK H., comp. Geneva on Seneca Lake.
1965 WEAVER, MARION M. History of Tile Drainage. Waterloo: Privately published, 1964.
1966 WETMORE, Mrs. S. A. "An Old-Time Lawsuit."

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